Openwork utility basket made out of peeled hazel either Willow or lilac. The rim stick is dogwood and the bark is big leaf maple. It is made in the style of Southwestern Oregon and Northern California region. Very old and well used, with dark residue stains inside.
The basket starts with a 4x4 crossed 2 rows over 4, then pairs (in 3 strand twining) to turn up, then single warps in plain twining. It is a plain open rightward s twist
The rim is a horizontal braid- behind 3, in front 4. It is done with every other warp bent down and clipped. The rim stick bound under the inner ridge of the rim braid with strips of bark in four places. Two fragments of jute are placed through the weave on the sides, to anchor a tumpline.
It has an interesting method of fixing broken sections of weaving that has happened, as the basket is being made. The weaver comes to the place just above the broken row (the next row). A stick is folded over and twined over the broken section. The remaining ends are then folded up and incorporated into the warps and locked into the row above.